We have been studying vitamins and minerals since class 4. But do we really incorporate all that knowledge into our diets? What are minerals and how are they good for us? Minerals are the compounds essential for the proper functioning of the body. Let’s have a look at the in-depth analysis of the types of minerals and their functions.
The Types of Minerals are such as –
Calcium is considered the most abundant of all types of minerals in the body. 99% of the calcium in the body is present in the bones and teeth. The various functions of calcium are such as –
- Calcium is important for the growth and development of bone.
- Also, calcium helps in muscle contraction.
- Calcium is also involved in blood clotting.
- In addition, calcium lowers blood pressure and lowers the risk of getting high blood pressure-related diseases.
- Calcium acts as a cofactor for several enzymes.
Sources of calcium are such as – dairy foods, cheese, yogurt, and green leafy vegetables.
Iron is considered one of the essential types of minerals as it helps in the transport of oxygen. Let’s have a look at some advantages of incorporating iron into your life –
- The main function of iron is to help in transportation. Therefore more iron in the body means more haemoglobin.
- Iron also promotes the proliferation of the immune cells.
- Having bruises frequently is a sign of low iron in the body.
- Iron is also associated with anemia, it can lead to loss of focus and energy.
- Iron is one of the types of minerals that also improves skin and hair health by making sure the proper oxygen and blood reach the skin and hair cells.
- Sources of iron are such as – spinach, legumes, red meat, pumpkin seeds, and quinoa.
The benefits range from your heart to your mood. Some of the major functions of magnesium include –
- Magnesium is one of the types of minerals that is a part of several biochemical reactions.
- Additionally, magnesium helps in the functioning of the brain and the reduced levels elevate the risk of depression.
- Also, magnesium helps in lowering blood pressure and hence reducing the risk of heart disease.
- Magnesium is also believed to improve the premenstrual symptoms. It also reduces anxiety and supports better sleep.
- Sources of magnesium are such as – leafy greens, tuna, salmon, soybeans, bananas, avocados, etc.
Manganese is a trace mineral. The trace minerals are the types of minerals which should be taken in small quantities. The major functions of Manganese include –
- Manganese works in combination with other vitamins to work for the betterment of the bones.
- Also, manganese is a strong antioxidant that can protect the cells from oxidative damage.
- Manganese is also believed to lower the risk of epileptic seizures.
- Additionally, it also contributes to lowering inflammation and hence reduces the chances of inflammatory diseases.
- Sources of Manganese are – shellfish, oatmeal, black tea, brown rice, and black pepper.
Molybdenum is also one of the types of minerals that should be taken in trace or small quantities. Let’s have a look at some of the vital functions of molybdenum –
- Molybdenum functions as the co-factor to enzymes like – sulfite oxidase, aldehyde oxidase, xanthine oxidase, and mitochondrial amidoxime reducing component.
- Also, manganese helps in the formation of the connective tissues and bones.
- Additionally, it is also a part of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
- Manganese is also good for the functioning of the brain and the functioning of nerves.
- The sources of molybdenum are – legumes, beef liver, bananas, and whole wheat bread.
Read More – Understanding the Types of Vitamins
Nickel is also a part of the essential minerals however its role is still unclear. It is also a part of the types of minerals taken in trace quantities. High amounts of nickel in the diet can cause a nickel allergy where the skin firms rashes and gets red and dry. Some of the functions of nickel are such as–
- Nickel is found in nucleic acid primarily the RNA hence, it plays a part in protein formation and functioning.
- Studies have shown that nickel is important for the proper functioning of the liver and kidney.
- Some of the sources of nickel are – mussels, chocolate, oats, licorice, and nuts.
Phosphorous is involved in the process of building bones and also in the formation of proteins. It is also an essential mineral that is the types of minerals which provides various benefits like-
- Phosphorous helps in the filtering of waste from the kidney.
- Additionally, it manages the energy of the body.
- Also, it is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.
- Sources of Phosphorous are – chicken, garlic, potatoes, dried fruit, and broccoli.
Potassium is the third most abundant among all the types of vitamins in the body. Almost 98% of the potassium is found in the cells. Some of the functions of potassium are –
- Potassium helps in maintaining fluid balance.
- Potassium activates the nerve impulse which can furthermore affect muscle contractions and heartbeats.
- Also, potassium helps decrease the retention of water by increasing urination.
- Sources of potassium are such as – kale, and spinach. Salmon, peas, avocado, and sweet potato.
Selenium is also a trace mineral that is vital for health as it affects the metabolism of the body. A few functions of selenium are –
- It also belongs to the types of minerals that act as an antioxidant as it helps in lowering oxidative stress.
- Selenium reduces the risk of getting cancers and certain heart diseases.
- In addition, selenium protects the thyroid gland from radical damage.
- Sources of Selenium are – Oysters, eggs, sardines, sunflower seeds, and shiitake mushrooms.
Sodium is considered one of the most important electrolytes whose deficiency can impact bodily functions. However, the excess sodium can cause an increase in blood pressure. The function of these types of minerals are –
- Sodium helps in the balance of the ions.
- Additionally, it develops the brain.
- Sodium also helps in preventing the loss of water.
- Some of the sources of sodium are – nuts, cheese, buttermilk, and bacon.
Zinc plays a vital role in the body and it should be taken in the diet since the body cannot produce it. A few benefits of zinc are given below –
- Zinc strengthens the immune system and it also accelerates wound healing.
- In addition to antioxidant properties, zinc also shows anti-inflammatory properties.
- Zinc is present in the Vitagoli Supplements For Women so it reduces acne and also improves hair growth.
- Sources of zinc are – oats, peanuts, eggs, salmon, pumpkin, etc.
Chloride interacts with another essential mineral called sodium to form several channels in the body. The other functions of chloride are such as –
- Chloride aids in the contraction of muscles.
- It also plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure and balance of fluids.
- Chloride strengthens the nerves and carries the messages from the brain and body.
It is found in many forms and is a part of many functions and pathways of the body. Chromium is the types of minerals is a part of chromodulin which helps in the functioning of the insulin. Chromium picolinate can help reduce weight. Some other benefits of these types of minerals are –
- Chromium can help in the regulation of sugars.
- Also, it enhances weight loss and manages metabolic syndrome.
- Some of the sources of chromium are – broccoli, orange juice, apples, garlic, etc.
Copper plays an important role in the functions of the body and some of them are –
- It is involved in red blood cell production and it also aids in iron adsorption.
- Also, this mineral helps in the prevention of psoriasis and prostate inflammation.
- Some of the sources of copper are – sunflower seeds, peas, beans, potatoes and grains
Fluorides are the types of minerals that are associated with dental health and some other benefits of fluoride are –
- Fluoride rebuilds the enamel and stops the growth of bacteria.
- Additionally, fluoride slows the demineralization.
- Fluoride is added to toothpaste and the most common food sources are black tea and coffee.
Iodine is very essential for the thyroid gland as it is involved in the formation of thyroxine hormone. The functions of iodine include –
- Iodine is amongst the types of minerals that reduces the risk of goiter.
- It is also good for cognitive functioning and hence it reduces the risk of disability.
- Iodine is also beneficial for fetal development.
- Sources of iodine are – seaweed, seafood, and eggs.
Key Takeaways –
Minerals are extremely essential for our health as they help in the production of energy and improve the growth and development of the body. However, it is often difficult to incorporate all these food items in our diet and this is where Vitagoli comes into the picture. Vitagoli Pre & Probiotic Gummies are the gummies extremely beneficial for the gut, vagina, and mental health. They contain Zinc and Magnesium as their mineral ingredient which reduces inflammation and improves bowel movements.