Do you also have those friends who eat anything and still be fine? One of the main reasons for it having a strong digestion. The main reason for having strong digestion is the presence of a lot of good bacteria in your gut. Those who have good digestion probably consume a lot of probiotics and supplements.
To make digestion strong there are a lot of food items available naturally, or if you have less time to consume such probiotic foods then go for supplements, for example, Probiotic Multivitamin Supplement. But what are probiotics? Probiotics are good bacteria that live in the gut and are also found in almost all fermented foods. Eating natural food rich in probiotics will add good bacteria to your gut.
Probiotic foods that are good for health
Yogurt is made of milk by friendly bacteria, mainly lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacterium. It is one of the good sources and most popular probiotic foods. In most cases, yogurt is top of the rank, if it comes from grass-fed animals and is not pasteurized. It has many benefits, such as:
- It will help in weight management
- Reduce the risks of having breast and colon cancer
- Helpful for diabetes
- Improve the health of bone, heart, and gastrointestinal
In addition, yogurt may not be suitable for people who have problems with lactose digestion. The reason is bacteria turn lactose which is present in yogurt into lactic acid. For people who have problems with yogurt, probiotic multivitamin gummies are an alternate option available for them. Simultaneously, remember one thing, not all yogurt contains live good bacteria. Processing yogurt might kill live good bacteria, before buying choose yogurt with live and active bacteria.
Kefir is an excellent source of probiotic foods, it contains three times more probiotics than yogurt and people with lactose intolerance. It is made of fermented milk of cow’s and goat’s milk. Yeast and more bacteria are used leading to higher levels of probiotics and lower lactose. It is more suitable for lactose-intolerant people. This kefir word comes from the Turkish word “key” that is “feeling good after having food”.
It has many health benefits such as making bones strong and thick, improving gut health, and boosting the immune system to fight against infection. One cup of low-fat kefir contains:
- Nine-gram protein
- Nearly 24% of the daily value of calcium
- 20% of the daily value of Phosphorus
- 12% of daily value of vitamin D
- 7% of the daily value of magnesium
- 25% of daily value of riboflavin (B2)
- 29% of daily value vitamin (B12)
Additionally, those who are not able to consume kefir daily can consume supplements that are rich in probiotic foods. One such supplement is Vitagoli probiotic gummies which are good in taste and easy to consume at any time.
Pickles also known as gherkins, that is cucumbers, have been preserved in a solution of water and salt. Then leave it for some time to ferment and produce lactic acid bacteria naturally. In this process, pickles get sour in taste.
Pickled cucumbers are a good source of good bacteria which help to improve gut health. It has low calories, is a very good source of vitamin K, and also contains nutrition which is essential for blood clotting. However, these pickles are high in sodium, and consuming them in high quantities may make your stomach upset. Nutrition present in a pickle of 35 grams are:
Amount | |
Calories | 4kcal |
fiber | 0.3g |
Carbohydrate | 0.8g |
sodium | 283mg |
protein | 0.2g |
sugar | 0.4g |
In addition, these pickles are prepared by vinegar, not live probiotics. Vinegar used in the fermentation process should be raw and unpasteurized, such as apple cider vinegar.
Traditional buttermilk
Traditional buttermilk is a fermented dairy drink and buttermilk has main two types which are traditional buttermilk and cultured buttermilk. Only liquid parts contain probiotics and is mainly consumed in India and Nepal. However, cultured buttermilk is mostly found in American supermarkets and does not have probiotic benefits.
This buttermilk contains mostly water, milk protein casein, and the milk sugar lactose. It is homogenized, and pasteurized, and lactic acid-producing bacteria will be added. This lactic acid will increase the acidity of buttermilk prevent unwanted growth of bacteria and give it a slightly sour taste. This sour taste results that bacteria fermented lactose, the primary sugar present in sugar in milk.
245ml (one cup) of buttermilk contains nutrients such as:
- 98 calories
- 8 grams of protein
- 12 grams of carbs
- 3 grams of fat
- Nearly 22% of the daily value of calcium
- 16% of sodium of daily value
- 29% of Vitamin B2 of daily value
- 22% of vitamin B12 of daily value
- 13% of pantothenic acid of daily value
In addition, buttermilk has several benefits such as making bone strong, improving oral health, lowering your cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure, etc. It also has some downsides: consuming in excess quantities makes your stomach upset because of the high sodium present and may cause allergies in some people.
Natto is a fermented soybean probiotic foods that contains a bacterial strain which is also called Bacillus subtilis. It is a primary food present in Japanese kitchens which is consumed with rice and served for breakfast has a distinctive smell and a strong flavour.
Natto is served with cooked rice, mustard, soy sauce, chives, and other seasonings. It is made of wrapping boiled soybean in rice straw, which contains Bacillus subtilis bacteria on its surface. This bacteria ferments the sugar present in the beans. It contains many nutrients, such as:
- 16% of selenium
- 28% of zinc
- 16% of potassium
- 14% of vitamin C
- 17% of calcium
- 27% of magnesium
- 19% of Vitamin K
- 74% of copper
- 48% of iron
- 67% of manganese
- 19 grams of protein
- 5 grams of fiber
- 13 grams of carbs
- 11 grams of fat
- 211 calories
In addition, some amount of vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, antioxidants, folate, and other beneficial plant compounds are present in Natto. Adding probiotic foods like natto to your diet will boost your immune system, make your bones strong, improve digestion, and lastly protect you from heart disease.
The bottom line
Probiotics are essential for your diet, taking them daily will improve your overall health. In nature, there are many probiotic foods available that are rich in good bacteria. Some supplements are also available, such as, Vitagoli Probiotic Gummies. These gummies are rich in probiotics and other nutrition will improve overall health.