Ultraviolet rays are a type of energy that is released from the sun. Ultraviolet rays are not seen by the naked eye because of their shorter wavelength than visible light. The UV light comes to the earth and provides vitamin D to your body to absorb calcium. An excess amount of sun rays will damage or burn your skin. To keep your skin safe from ultraviolet rays there are several tips that keep your skin safe from UV rays.
There are several foods available that will protect your skin from damage from sunlight. It is always preferred to eat seasonal fruits to get the required vitamins and minerals that are helpful for your overall health. There is an enzyme found in a study in 2017 that repairs UV rays and damages skin cells. Other than foods, some supplements are also available to provide nutrition that prevents skin from sun radiation.
Tips to keep Safe from UV Rays
Here are some tips that keep you safe from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Avoid Direct Sun Exposure
Always try to avoid artificial tanning devices and sun exposure as much as possible. You should especially avoid midday sun exposure because it has a greater concentration and intensity of UV rays that will damage your skin.
To know when sunlight will not harm there is a thumb rule that, when your shadow is longer than you then it will not harm you. Generally between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in summer and spring months. Before going in sun rays it is a good idea to always check the UV index each day and dress accordingly. The local UV index is available online.
Harmful UV rays can reflect off from the surface of water and light-colored objects. This will double the number of UV rays that strike your skin and damage the outer layer of the skin. UV rays can reach below the surface of the water but three feet below water blocks only 20% of UV rays. During cloudy days up to 80% of UV rays will pass and reach the surface of the earth. While going out make sure you wear lightweight, broad-brimmed hats, and tightly-woven clothing.
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Use Sunscreen
Sunscreens are assigned an SPF (sun protection factor) number that shows the effectiveness of blocking UV rays. Higher numbers of SPFs represent more protection. You can use broad-spectrum sunscreen at least 15 SPF, even on cool or cloudy days. Here, broad-spectrum on the product means the amount of sunscreen filters out UV rays.
When these UV rays penetrate your skin and are mostly responsible for skin cancer or premature aging. These rays will affect the surface and cause sunburn on your skin. Whenever you go out, apply a thick layer of sunscreen on your skin for longer protection from UV light.
Wear Sunglasses
While going out wearing sunglasses will protect your eye from UV rays and reduce risks of cataracts. They also protect the tender skin around your eye from sunlight. Sunglasses block UVA and UVB rays and provide the best protection for your eye from entering sunlight directly into your eye.
Foods that Help Protect from UV Rays
There are several foods available that provide nutrition that protect your skin from UV rays which include:
Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that help to remove the free radicals that prevent damage internally. It is also a good source of vitamin C, which boosts immunity and prevents wrinkles. It is one of the favorite summer fruits that is rich in vitamins and minerals to protect your body from sun radiation.
As we know tomatoes contain lycopene, a source of antioxidants. But watermelons are excellent sources of antioxidants and contain more lycopene than tomatoes. Lycopene absorbs UVB and UVA radiation, although due to the turnover rate, it takes several weeks to become more photoprotective.
If you consume daily watermelon juice (not hard to consume in hot weather), lycopene will work like a harmful sun ray blocker. In research, it is found that it will not take the place of another proactive measure, like sun protective cloth and SPF, against skin damage and sunspots. When you see its anti-aging properties, it has extra that won’t harm you.
Nuts and Seeds
Omega-3 fatty acid is one of the best for healthy skin as well as for brain and heart health. The great sources of this omega-3 nutrition are walnuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and flax seeds. Seafoods and eggs are also great sources of omega-3. Our body cannot make omega-3, so you have to take it in a diet. It helps to maintain the skin’s integrity and has anti-inflammatory properties. Also, protects your skin from sun rays and damages those who spend more time in sunlight.
Green Leafy Vegetables and Carrots
Green leafy vegetables and carrots contain beta carotene that is further converted into vitamin A. This vitamin A is vital for skin health. It is found in several studies that beta carotene creates a layer on the skin that protects from sun radiation if you consume it regularly for 10 weeks. Eating a variety of food that is rich in vitamins and minerals in your daily diet will get beta carotene easier. Green leafy and carrots like spinach and kale are a great source of beta-carotene, even you can make smoothies.
Green Tea
In a study conducted in 2010, those who consume green tea have a lower chance of getting cancer. This is due to the chemical flavanol in green tea which helps to repair the damaged skin cells that are caused by UV rays and helps to improve collagen.
In Conclusion
To make your skin healthy and protect from the sun’s UV rays there are several tips and foods available. This will boost your skin health and create a protective layer on your skin. Also wear light-colored cloth, sunglasses, and a hat. Before going out, always check the UV rays index online. Or you can consume supplements that provide the same amount of nutrition that you will get from foods and the supplement is Keratin Gummies for Skin.